02 Jun 2023

Think Outside The Cubicle: 6 Types of Employee Benefits to Help Your Workforce Become Healthier


Employee wellness has changed throughout the pandemic, forcing employees to re-evaluate their work environment, priorities, and what they expect from their employers.

In a world where people are looking for ways to feel healthier, employee benefits are becoming more relevant than ever. In today's world of employee turnover, employers need to ensure their employees have access to the right benefits to provide they are living happy and healthy lives.

Employers are trying to help employees adapt to the unexpected changes in business practices caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. As companies struggle with cash flow, providing extra benefits has become difficult because of this.

When it comes to improving the health and well-being of employees, there are a few ways that employers can step in with employee benefits and perks. With these, HRs can ensure better employee well-being at the workplace. A wide range of components go into employee benefit plans that HRs should consider when designing offerings.

Emotional Wellness

The emotional well-being of employees is the foundation of their performance. If they are happy and comfortable, their work will improve, and they will stay in the company longer. On the other hand, when employees are not emotionally healthy or relaxed, their performance will likely suffer. They may leave sooner than expected because they feel unfulfilled or unhappy with their jobs. 

Managers should show interest in the emotional well-being of their employees. As professionals, managers are the first line of defense when helping employees deal with challenging situations, such as a death in the family or financial difficulties. Having that relationship built on trust is crucial for effective management but also allows you to understand better how your employees are feeling and what they may be going through.

Managers should know how to help their employees when experiencing distress or difficulty outside work. This includes knowing when it's appropriate to talk about things like depression (and when it isn't), recognizing signs of distress in others, and providing resources and referrals if necessary.

Financial Wellness

Financial wellness combines all the ways to help employees maintain their financial health. It includes an employee's ability to make intelligent financial decisions and plan for their future. It also covers paying your bills, saving for retirement and other goals, living within your means, avoiding debt, and having peace of mind about your financial situation.

Most employers offer some type of financial wellness program as part of their top benefits package. These programs can help employees improve their credit scores, save for retirement, and reduce debt. They’re also good for employers: many offer loans or advance salary in exchange for workers’ commitment to stay with the company until they retire with full pension benefits.

Some companies offer one-on-one coaching sessions with HR or other staff members who can help employees learn how to manage their finances effectively in the workplace setting. It's also a good idea to provide financial wellness training through online courses so that employees can take advantage of this resource whenever they need it.

Physical Wellness

Physical wellness includes staying active and healthy and feeling good about how you look and feel. Your company can help your employees maintain this type of health by offering a variety of physical wellness benefits, including:

  • Employee gym trainer offered at the office gym
  • Gym membership discounts
  • Wellness programs like Apple Watch incentives

Physical wellness is important because it affects each area of your workplace. Fit employees are less likely to be absent due to illness or injury, meaning they're more likely to be at work when needed most. This boosts morale among coworkers and cuts down on sick days that cost companies money even when employees aren't working.

Occupational Wellness

Occupational wellness is the ability of workers to maintain healthy work environments. It has many components, including health and safety, employee wellness, work-life balance, and job satisfaction.

The happier employees are with their jobs; the more productive they tend to be. Employers who want to improve occupational wellness should consider providing incentives such as employee appreciation, rewards and recognition programs, mentoring opportunities,  etc.

Intellectual Wellness

Intellectual wellness encompasses an employee's ability to think and reason. As a result, it includes problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, and innovation—all essential organizational skills.

In addition to academic knowledge, employees need other skills to succeed in their jobs. They need to be able to handle stress and balance their workloads. They have work and personal responsibilities that they must manage. To promote intellectual wellness, HRs need to create opportunities for employees to engage in activities that support these skills.

Social Wellness

When employees feel connected with their friends, family, and significant others outside of work, it can help improve their overall well-being. This is where social wellness comes into play.

Strong relationships with coworkers can increase job satisfaction and decrease stress levels. These feelings may also lead to better job performance and increased work creativity, motivation and focus. Employers should encourage employees to spend time away from work because spending too much time at a job can affect a worker's personal life.

Volunteering is one of the best ways to foster a workplace that's filled with passionate, positive people. When employees have the chance to give back during work hours, they'll feel more fulfilled and appreciated by their employer. It's also an excellent way to make your company culture more inclusive, as you can offer opportunities for employees who aren't part of established groups by providing them with volunteer time off.

By offering wellness benefits like mental health coverage, employee programs, and stress management courses—HR teams can help reduce burnout among employees while also boosting productivity levels within the workplace.

Parting Thoughts

Benefits and perks are a major part of the employee engagement process. They provide long-term value for employers and employees by offering extra care beyond the salary structure. As part of this layer, they also encourage positive employee behavior that can lead to increased productivity and higher customer satisfaction. This results in increased productivity and higher customer satisfaction—making the workplace more enjoyable for everyone!

About Batik

At Batik, you can find different types of benefits for your employees. You can choose from various options like healthcare, financial planning, and wellness programs. You can also get discounts on different services like fitness classes and mental health assistance. Here are some of the other unique aspects of Batik:

1. It provides centralized benefits access for employers, making it easy to administer and manage all employee benefits under one roof.

2. It offers a holistic health and wellness benefits package that covers employees' primary healthcare needs.

3. For occupational wellness, it has upskilling and reskilling benefits like training and education. 

To counter emotional wellness, Batik has mental health benefits such as counseling, stress management, and employee assistance programs that help employees deal with the pressures of daily life.

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